Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oscar Oscar Oscar

Yes, I love going to see a good movie here and there, but let's be honest the major reason I love Oscar night is not for the show, but for the fashion. I could, however, do without listening to what Kelly Osborne has to say about a flawless Marchesa gown (when did she become an expert anyways?)...

Needless to say, here are my top choices for the Best Dressed at the 2013 Oscars:

Jennifer Lawrence in Dior: Although the dress might have been the cause of her stumble on those stairs, she picked a perfect gown to accept an oscar at the age of 22. The dress shows off her youthful figure, but also excels in exuding a high level of class.

Naomi Watts in Armani Prive`: This custom designed dress looks as if each individual sequin was almost glued right to her body. The fit and the style compliment her perfectly.

Jennifer Aniston in Valentino: looking more effortlessly stunning than I have seen in a long time. The red compliments her skintone beautifully.

And tragically, here are my choices for Worst Dressed..

Anne Hathaway in Prada: The talk about her nipples, and the boring silhouette of this dress make me want to scream! I read that she picked this dress at the very last minute, I wish she hadn't...

Kristen Stewart in Reem Acra: Why is this woman always looking such a mess? The dress did not even fit her up top, and someone pleaseeeeeee put a comb through her hair! I'm begging you!

Melissa McCarthy in David Meister: I don't know who told Melissa to wear a bag over her body this year, but combined with this old-fashioned hair style, its a big NO NO, oh god NO! Whenever stylists tell curvier women to accentuate their curves, they are telling them for a reason. Wearing something like this, Melissa looks larger than she probably is. Even the draping over her hips is not hitting at the right points...

All in all, I have to say I was a little less than impressed with the fashion at the Oscars this year. I guess now that award season is over, I can just dream of another Michelle Williams in Louis Vuitton moment for next year... I'll leave you with that inspiring image... "le sigh..."

Superior Style Between the Seasons- Royal Blue and Gold Edition

Another trend that seems to be popping up this time of year is the remarkably chic pairing of royal blue and gold.

During the early spring months, we start to see a shift in the stores and on the streets from chunky wool sweaters, to nautical blue, white and red ensembles. This spring, I think the proper twist to the so-called nautical "All American" look is to pair a deep, gorgeous hue of blue with gold. This look is the perfect amount of bright color, to get ready for the upcoming months of spring and summer.

Here are a few examples of what has caught my eye:

 Currently, I'm on the market for a royal blue dress for work, that I can pair with a large, long antique pocket watch necklace that was passed down to me. The brightness of the blue will really showcase the gold in a fashion forward way.

Good luck, and happy shopping!